“I Just Want Them To Smile”

Zofia (Age 7)


The United Nation’s Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights has documented more than 142 children have been killed during the Russian - Ukrainian conflict, and a further 230 children have been injured. The true toll is likely to be much higher. UNESCO and UNICEF estimates are indicating that more than 5 million refugees have fled Ukraine with women and children making up 90% of the refugee population. As the number of children fleeing their homes continues to climb, every single one of them needs protection, education, safety and support. More than 2 million refugee children fled Ukraine; children make up half of all refugees from the war in Ukraine, and more than 1.1 million children have arrived in Poland.

Caritas is the largest Christian charity organization in Poland. It consists of 44 diocesan Caritas organizations, which act at the regional level, and Caritas Poland, which is responsible for national campaigns and providing international aid, supporting, in particular, victims of natural disasters and armed conflicts around the world. Caritas is on the frontline for Ukrainian refugees in Poland.

On the evening of March 8, Caritas of the Archdiocese of Czestochowa admitted 87 Ukrainian orphans aged 3 to 17, plus 7 disabled children. The children along with five Ukrainian guardians were placed in the Swieta Puszcza retreat house under the direction of Fr. Marek Bator, Director of Caritas in Czestochowa. The children came from two orphanages located in Kiev and Maripol.



After 4 days of travel by bus long expected orphans arrived at 2 am at night at the Spiritual Center in Swieta Puszcza. It was very emotional arrival for everyone. The orphans were tired and confused, carring only a small backpack, being without a shower or proper sleeping for days. They were welcomed with smile and happy tears by Father Marek and voluntaries. In order to not lose anyone, each of the children received an identification number from the Polish government. The children arrived safely.


The Caritas volunteers are trying their best to make sure the orphans are receiving all the necessary nutrition. The villagers from nearby small towns are taking turns to deliver 100 pieces of fruit every day so that each child gets their daily vitamin intake. But interestingly, according Father Marek the most popular item on the menu is cheese.

populaR bicycles 3/24/2022

The Spiritual Center received a donation of bicycles for the children. For many of orphans, they really enjoy bike riding, and quickly become very popular. The grounds of the Spiritual Center are kid friendly with many leveled areas both paved and grassed. The children are able to play outside on playground equipment that was recently donated.

School presentation 3/24/2022

We were honored to speak about the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine at the Santa Catalina lower school located in Monterey, California. We spoke about the refugee situation in Poland and our support of the orphans at the Spiritual Center. The students planted sunflower seeds as a symbol of lent and solidarity with Ukraine. The sunflower is the national flower of Ukraine. We were thankful to be able to share the message and appreciated the invitation.

VOLUNTEER power 3/24/2022

Father Marek is very thankful to all of the volunteers which are visiting and assisting at the center. They dedicate their time spending time with the children playing games, doing art projects, and education. One of the volunteer groups arrived from Denver, Colorado and had previously worked with this group of orphans in the Ukraine. There is a need for more teachers, since many of the orphans here were never taught to read or write.

Zoom interview 3/24/2022

We had the opportunity to connect directly with Father Marek via a video Zoom conference. He was able to show us the Spiritual Center grounds where the orphans are staying and some of the orphans as well. He described the situation along with the challenges under the current circumstances. His main goal is to be able to keep children as long as possible in this location, to minimize trama in their lives by further relocation. The Zoom conference was organized by Robert Herrera, an adult bible study teacher and his class at Park Cities Baptist Church in Dallas, TX. Thank you.

From our hearts to yours 3/24/2022

The First Graders from the Santa Catalina Lower School in Monterey, California prepared a cheerful video for the orphans. The creative short film combines signing, dancing, lyrics and words of solidarity. To make a connection with the orphans, the students learned some Ukrainian phrases and held an American-Ukrainian friendship flag. Love and compassion should not have borders. We forwarded the video to Father Mark to show to the children. We thank the teachers and students at Santa Catalina for preparing the video.

art foR UKRAINE 3/24/2022

A first grade student Zofia made an oil painting illustrating solidarity from children from all around the globe with Ukraine. With colorful children holding hands around earth, smiling clouds and sunflowers, and a Ukrainian flag and a big heart, we thought the art would send an universal and powerful message of love and support. We decided to use the art to make greeting cards and prints.



support orphans at the spiritual center of czestochowa

By Wire: Foreign Currency Account (EUR): PL47 1020 1664 0000 3702 0463 6934 Swift Code: BPKOPLPW

Caritas Archidiecezji Czestochowskiej | 42-200 Czestchowa | ul. ks. Stanislawa Staszica 5 | Tel. +48 34 368 05 82

To support Caritas Poland at



The village Swietej Puszczy is located in southern Poland, approximately 12 kilometers (7 miles) from Czestochowa in Silesian Voivodesh.

The Spiritual Center of Czestochowa

ul. Swietej Puszczy 6 | 42-256 Olsztyn, POLAND | +48 506 394 672